About the film

Production company: «Studio Andrey Shemyakin»
Country of production: Russia
Year of Production: 2015
Duration: 74 min.
Film made with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Category: History

Film crew

Film director: Darya Hrenova
Producer: Vladimir Golikov, Natalia Lisovschkaya


An occasion which happened to be unique for the whole world’s history: a Russian general of the European origin becomes the leader of Asian armies - and liberates Mongolia. The new Genghis Khan by the name of Roman Fedorovich Ungern has no idea at all that after the revolution Russia would beget a force neither he nor the ununited Asia are prepared to oppose.


An occasion which happened to be unique for the whole world’s history: a Russian general of the European origin becomes the leader of Asian armies - and liberates Mongolia. The new Genghis Khan by the name of Roman Fedorovich Ungern has no idea at all that after the revolution Russia would beget a force neither he nor the ununited Asia are prepared to oppose.

Festival and awards
Date Festival Form of participation Award
«Rendezvous with Russia»

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