About the film

Title in Russian: Чужая работа
Production company: Marina Razbezhkina Workshop Ltd.
Country of production: Russia, Tadjikistan
Year of Production: 2015
Duration: 80 min.
Category: Social problems

Film crew

Scriptwriter: Denis Shabaev
Film director: Denis Shabaev
Producer: Marina Razbezhkina
Director of photography: Denis Shabaev


Farruh is a gastarbeiter. Together with his father, mother and brothers he lives in New Moscow and he is ready to take up any kind of job, even underpaid one. But there is another reason why he has left his native Tajikistan and his young wife and small children: Farruh wants to become an actor, a very famous actor…


Farruh is a gastarbeiter. Together with his father, mother and brothers he lives in New Moscow and he is ready to take up any kind of job, even underpaid one. But there is another reason why he has left his native Tajikistan and his young wife and small children: Farruh wants to become an actor, a very famous actor…

Festival and awards
Date Festival Form of participation Award
2015 Artdocfest

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