
About the film

Title: Pomors
Title in Russian: Поморы
Production company: The Russian Geographical Society
Country of production: Russia
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 104 min.
Film made with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

Film crew

Scriptwriter: Dmitry Vasyukov
Film director: Dmitry Vasyukov


The film “Pomory” (White Sea Coast Dwellers) is not merely the story of the present-day residents of the White Sea coast, but rather an attempt to discern signs of the historical past in their everyday life.


The film “Pomory” (White Sea Coast Dwellers) is not merely the story of the present-day residents of the White Sea coast, but rather an attempt to discern signs of the historical past in their everyday life. Faith and labor give them the strength not only to stand firmly on their own two feet, but also to preserve their sense of themselves as Pomory, despite all the entreaties of urban civilization. The harsh nature of the north, the enormous uninhabited expanses, earning your living on the sea and rivers—all this has led to the development of a unique way of life, its own culture, and even its own special language, which Lomonosov counted among the three major Russian dialects, alongside Great Russian and Little Russian. All this, taken together, created an absolutely special type of individual, a special “Pomor” character, which has its roots in the White Sea earth and which finds these roots to be more than sufficient.

Festival and awards
Date Festival Form of participation Award
April, 2013 National Film Festival "Movement" Participant
December, 2014 ArtDocFest Participant

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