Церкви мира(Churches of world),2015

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О проекте

Название: Церкви мира(Churches of world),2015
Название на английском языке: Churches of world,2015
Производственная компания: Silent movie(Сайлент муви)
Страна производства: Россия
Год: 2015
Стадия производства: поиск ко-продакшна
Продолжительность: 80 мин.
Планируемая премьера: 2016, January
Финансирование: own funds

Съёмочная группа

Автор сценария: Елена Немых(Elena Nemykh)
Режиссёр: Елена Немых(Elena Nemykh)
Продюсер: Елена Немых(Elena Nemykh)
Оператор: Геннадий Немых(Gennady Nemykh),Евгений Ковалев(Evgeny Kovalev)
Композитор: Вячеслав Осьминин(Viacheslav Osminin)


Мир всегда был  многонациональным и мультирелигиозным. Православие, мусульманство, буддизм, католицизм, иудаизм – все эти религии существовали в мире много веков. Пятибашенные русский церкви, остроконечные кирхи, шатровые мечети с торчащими башенками для муллы, витиеватые синагоги – все это часть мультикультурного пространства.
It is a unique artistic and documentary project about the beauty and grandeur of architecture of churches. The churches, where people are worshiped for divine many centuries.
The project  about the unity of God  in different faces.
The project about the multicultural religious world environment.


Документальный проект «Храмы мира»
80 мин
Автор, режиссер: Елена Немых/Карцева
Операторы-постановщики: Геннадий Немых, Евгений Ковалев
Продюсер: Елена Немых/Карцева

Основная идея: «Божественное не имеет границ»

Референс: фильм «Каянискаци».

Синопсис: Мир был всегда была  многонациональный и мультирелигиозный. Православие, мусульманство, буддизм, католицизм, иудаизм – все эти религии существовали в мире много веков. Народы строили храмы, где люди приходили  поклониться святым и попросить у них помощи в минуту неудач, голода, душевной тревоги. Церковь помогала инициации родившимся, соединяла влюбленных, отпевала мертвых.  И архитектура храмов была всегда выражением  веры , которая была у каждой  конфесии своя. Пятибашенные русский церкви, остроконечные кирхи, шатровые мечети с торчащими башенками для муллы, витиеватые синагоги – все это часть мультикультурного пространства мира. Церкви переживали революции, войны, подвергались разрушению, возрождению,  строились, и расширялись, вообшем, на собственных стенах прошли через все исторические этапы страны.
Деревянная русская церковь в Кижах, затонувшая   в Калязине, подземные и пещерные церкви в Капподокии,  храмы Мальты, буддистсткие святыни, и многое другое– все это является отражением истории мира и  величия . 

Способ съемки:  съемки предполагается вести с воздуха с помощью современного кинокоптера и камеры гоупро, без использования закадрового текста так, чтобы величие храмов мира  было показано во всем блеске. Как референс можно иметь ввиду фильм «Каянискаци» Годфри Реджо

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О режиссёре Елена Немых(Elena Nemykh):

Resume: Nemykh (Kartseva) Elena
Contact: elenanemykh11@gmail.com, +7 (903) 1396677, Skype:Elena Nemykh







Main specialty: Producer, Director Film and Television
Member of the Guild of documentary films, member of filmmakers of Kinosoyuz, graduated
All-Russian Institute of Cinematography named of  Sergei Gerasimov, specialty: filmmaker ( workshop of Evgeny Tashkov) in 1996, 2013- NYFA Moscow, workshop of producer(Lydia Sedronie)

2014- producer and director of feature film “Crossing in space”  in production.

2013- director of feature film “Long way”(4 series, Domashny chanell)

2012 – independent producer, producer of German-Russian project  “ Crossing in Space”

( Sunnysideup Film & Service, Germany)

2011 - creative producer of the TV feature series “ Vazhnyak "(NTV)
2009-2010 – chief-director of the TV feature series "The Invisibles"
(DTV, Inter, Teleformat)

2009 - director of documentary films "The Soviet underwear", "Stalinka" (TVC studio "Reporter Film"), author and director of "Photoalbom”: Mikhail Lubimov, Lyudmila Alekseeva, Henry Reznik, Viktor Shenderovich, Mary Slonim (channel: "Who's Who

2008-2009 - producer and director documentary films: "Leaving the monastery," "Epidemia," "Mama, I'm pregnant," "Love is a foreigner," "I love the married man," "Unequal marriage" from the series “Stories of the big city "(channel TNT studio" Silent Movie "),

"The Burden of Fame, " Man of the crowd "(TVC),"  VIA” 1 and 2 series (Grant “TPO Union," channel "Russian World", "Nostalgia")

2008-2007: The author and director
12 serial feature film "I shall return" (1 channel, nominee "Golden Eagle", 2010, Profit studio, Studio Slon)

  2007: Author and director of documentary films: "Slaves of the two dictatorships" and "Sunshine" from series "History of a Song" (1 channel)

2005: The author, director, project manager for "The Birth of victory" for the 60th anniversary of victory (NTV) (Teffy-2005 nominee for Best Director, Prize of the Union of Journalists 2005, Award "Gold gong" in the category "Video Art" 2005)

2003-2005: co-writer and director documentary films of the series "Contemporary History", "War in the glass," "Theatre of the USSR", "Other," "Suitcase. Station. Russia "(NTV), the director of films from the series" Profession-Reporter "(authors: Vadim Takmenev, Alexander Zinenko)

2002-director documentary "Once in Russia" (author: Alexander Zinenko, prize "Lavr" for best documentary series 2002) (NTV)

2001 – director of documentary films "This is a heavy burden of freedom" (author - Maria Slonim), "The Game of Soldiers" - (author Maria Slonim) (Internews)
2001 - director of the documentary "Trees and people" (author: Natalia Velikodnaya) - the prize of the festival on the ecology of  Baikal)

1996-2002 - director of tv programmes, “V pechat” ,"Itogo" with author Viktor Shenderovich (Teffy Award-2000 , "Golden Ostap" -2001) and "Profession-Reporter" (NTV) "Dachniki" (Channel 6) "The Inner Circle" Ksenia Larina (Ren-TV)

1996 -  30minutny feature film «Amata nobis» based on the story of Ivan Bunin, "Rusya" The film was a member of several Russian and international festivals in the framework of Institute of Cinematography (Short Film Festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1997, and the festival Wursburge, Germany, 1998)

The prize for literary festival screenings in Gatchina, 1997, and prize student festival VGIK in 1998 .

О продюсере Елена Немых(Elena Nemykh):

Resume: Nemykh (Kartseva) Elena
Contact: elenanemykh11@gmail.com, +7 (903) 1396677, Skype:Elena Nemykh







Main specialty: Producer, Director Film and Television
Member of the Guild of documentary films, member of filmmakers of Kinosoyuz, graduated
All-Russian Institute of Cinematography named of  Sergei Gerasimov, specialty: filmmaker ( workshop of Evgeny Tashkov) in 1996, 2013- NYFA Moscow, workshop of producer(Lydia Sedronie)

2014- producer and director of feature film “Crossing in space”  in production.

2013- director of feature film “Long way”(4 series, Domashny chanell)

2012 – independent producer, producer of German-Russian project  “ Crossing in Space”

( Sunnysideup Film & Service, Germany)

2011 - creative producer of the TV feature series “ Vazhnyak "(NTV)
2009-2010 – chief-director of the TV feature series "The Invisibles"
(DTV, Inter, Teleformat)

2009 - director of documentary films "The Soviet underwear", "Stalinka" (TVC studio "Reporter Film"), author and director of "Photoalbom”: Mikhail Lubimov, Lyudmila Alekseeva, Henry Reznik, Viktor Shenderovich, Mary Slonim (channel: "Who's Who

2008-2009 - producer and director documentary films: "Leaving the monastery," "Epidemia," "Mama, I'm pregnant," "Love is a foreigner," "I love the married man," "Unequal marriage" from the series “Stories of the big city "(channel TNT studio" Silent Movie "),

"The Burden of Fame, " Man of the crowd "(TVC),"  VIA” 1 and 2 series (Grant “TPO Union," channel "Russian World", "Nostalgia")

2008-2007: The author and director
12 serial feature film "I shall return" (1 channel, nominee "Golden Eagle", 2010, Profit studio, Studio Slon)

  2007: Author and director of documentary films: "Slaves of the two dictatorships" and "Sunshine" from series "History of a Song" (1 channel)

2005: The author, director, project manager for "The Birth of victory" for the 60th anniversary of victory (NTV) (Teffy-2005 nominee for Best Director, Prize of the Union of Journalists 2005, Award "Gold gong" in the category "Video Art" 2005)

2003-2005: co-writer and director documentary films of the series "Contemporary History", "War in the glass," "Theatre of the USSR", "Other," "Suitcase. Station. Russia "(NTV), the director of films from the series" Profession-Reporter "(authors: Vadim Takmenev, Alexander Zinenko)

2002-director documentary "Once in Russia" (author: Alexander Zinenko, prize "Lavr" for best documentary series 2002) (NTV)

2001 – director of documentary films "This is a heavy burden of freedom" (author - Maria Slonim), "The Game of Soldiers" - (author Maria Slonim) (Internews)
2001 - director of the documentary "Trees and people" (author: Natalia Velikodnaya) - the prize of the festival on the ecology of  Baikal)

1996-2002 - director of tv programmes, “V pechat” ,"Itogo" with author Viktor Shenderovich (Teffy Award-2000 , "Golden Ostap" -2001) and "Profession-Reporter" (NTV) "Dachniki" (Channel 6) "The Inner Circle" Ksenia Larina (Ren-TV)

1996 -  30minutny feature film «Amata nobis» based on the story of Ivan Bunin, "Rusya" The film was a member of several Russian and international festivals in the framework of Institute of Cinematography (Short Film Festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1997, and the festival Wursburge, Germany, 1998)

The prize for literary festival screenings in Gatchina, 1997, and prize student festival VGIK in 1998 .

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