A regional international television conference INPUT ("TV - in the public interest") took place in Moscow in the middle of December, 2013.
In parallel with the event Russian Documentary Guild organized a series of documentary films screenings and pitching session for international decision-makers as a part of International Promotion project RGDoc Promo - Russian Documentaries.
INPUT is dedicated to the proposition that television should be public service in the public interest. That access to the most honest, innovative, provocative, courageous and challenging broadcasting is a universal fundamental human right.
19 films were screened in the frames of INPUT 2013. Only 15 of will passed to Berlin, Germany.
Below is the final list prepared by national coordinator of INPUT in Russia and CIS Nikolay Morozov :
Битва за Украину | The Battle for Ukraine, 88’ (directed by Evgeny Grigoriev, Ekaterina Vecheva)
В первой линии в серединочке | The First Line In The Middle, 26’ (directed by Alisa Piyaeva)
Да, да, нет, нет, | YES, YES; NO, NO, 46’ (directed by Andrey Redkin)
Две стороны одной лошади | Two Sides Of One Horse, 34’ (directed by Tatyana Soboleva)
Дневник наркоманки | The Drug Addicts Diary, 52’ (directed by Svetlana Stasenko)
Катя | Katya, 52’ (directed by Anna Shishova)
Кто такой этот Кустурица? | Who Is That Kusturica?, 92’ (directed by Natalya Gugueva)
Ленинленд | Leninland, 52’ (directed by Askold Kyrov)
Мама, дети и закон | Mamas, Kids And The Law, 67’ (directed by Kirill Saharnov, Kseniya Saharnova)
Моя родня | My Kith And Kin, 63' (directed by Rodion Ismailov)
Очаг | Hearth, 31’ (directed by Veniamin Tronin)
После войны | After War, 39’ (directed by Evgeny Golinkin, Veronika Solovieva)
Рыбалка | Fishing, 40’ (directed by Denis Evseev)
С.П.А.Р.Т.А. - территория счастья | S.P.A.R.T.A. - Territory Of Happiness, 56’ (directed by Anna Moiseenko)
Холокост - клей для обоев? | Holacaust Is That Wallpaper Paste?, 61’ (directed by Mumin Shakirov)
RGDoc Promo - screening of Russian documentary films and projects.
In parallel with the screening of documentary films and programs, Russian Documentary Guild organized screenings of Russian documentary films and pitching of projects with international potential. This activity became possible with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in the frames of the program of international promotion of Russian documentaries.
One of the main goals of the screenings was to raise the interest of foreign distributors, TV stations, film festivals and film markets to Russian documentaries and enable young promising projects to find financing and distribution capabilities at any stage of production.
Russian Documentary Guild invited:
- Peter Jager, managing director of distribution company Autlook Filmsales, Austria
- Irem Couchouron, representative of the international film market Sunny Side of the Doc, France
- Sylvia Wroblewska, representative of industrial programs festival Sheffield Doc / Fest, UK
- Jouko Salokorpi, National Coordinator of INPUT conference in Helsinki, Finland
Simona Baumann, representative of German Films in Eastern Europe, well-known producer of many famous documentaries made in co-production with Russia became the moderator of the pitching.
The list of promising Russian projects:
КЕМТО | Some_One, directed by Evgeny Pohis
Коллектив индивидуалистов | Team Of Individualists, directed by Anastasiya Glebova
Крылья | The Wings, directed by Darya Khenova
Логово серого волка | The Lie Of The Grey Wolf, directed by Vasily Sarana
Пермь-36, территория свободы | Perm-36, A Territory Of Freedom, directed by Sergey Kachkin
Петь | Sing, directed by Olga Korotkaya
Посланники большой земли | Siberian Floating Hospital, directed by Tatyana Soboleva
Последний мужчина | Tha Last Man, directed by Elena Demidova
Потерянные дети | Lost Children, directed by Olga Arlauskas, Nikita Tichonov-Rau
Солнечный день. Продолжение | Sunny Day. To Be Continued, directed by Yuliya Kiseleva
Соль земли | Sault Of The Earth, directed by Evgeny Grigoriev
Цой 2.0 | Tsoy 2:0, directed by Dmitry Pichulin
Educational Part: Workshops Of International Experts
In parallel with the main conference activities there were also held educational workshops, lectures and presentations, affecting all areas of training, production and distribution of documentary films: presentations of Sunny Side of the Doc and Sheffield Doc / Fest, a large-scale workshop of one of the leading distributors of documentary films in Europe Peter Jager on basic models of the global distribution of documentary films, master-class of Austrian specialist in new media Herwig Kopp "Interactive Storytelling and Documentary Production" and etc.
For more information about INPUT and conference program - rgdoc.ru/input
Press Centre of the Russian Documentary Guild
Elena Korzhaeva